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Thread: Newbie Wiring Diagram

  1. Default Newbie Wiring Diagram


    I just received my 225 LX and am in the process of hooking it up. The wiring is pretty straightforward, but a few things confused me, so I constructed this simple wiring diagram for myself. I'm posting it for two reasons: 1) for pros to check over before I have my electrician make it so, and 2) to help someone down the line going through the same thing.

    If you see any mistakes on this let me know and I'll modify it accordingly and repost so other folks have a reference.

    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Powertig Wiring Diagram.jpg 
Views:	2052 
Size:	94.7 KB 
ID:	638  

  2. #2


    You have a RED wire? Anyone else have it?

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by performance View Post
    You have a RED wire? Anyone else have it?
    My 250EX has a Green, Black, White, and Red. Green is ground, Black and White are power. I taped back the Red.

    Millermatic 251
    Spectrum 300 Plasma
    Everlast PowerTig 250EX
    Everlast PowerCool W300
    Harris / Victor OA
    Craftsman 13 Speed Drill Press
    ProTools Air/Hydraulic Bender
    48" Brake, 72" Brake, 52" Stomp Shear
    Mitler Bros. 36" High Throat Bead Roller
    Compressor, Notchers, Grinders, etc.

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by traderyoda View Post

    I just received my 225 LX and am in the process of hooking it up. The wiring is pretty straightforward, but a few things confused me, so I constructed this simple wiring diagram for myself. I'm posting it for two reasons: 1) for pros to check over before I have my electrician make it so, and 2) to help someone down the line going through the same thing.

    If you see any mistakes on this let me know and I'll modify it accordingly and repost so other folks have a reference.

    The diagram would look better if the ground going to the panel did not sort of point up into the breaker, get rid of the upright line heading towards the breaker and terminate it with a ground symbol saying panel ground. At least that's my view of it.

  5. Default

    Performance - good catch. The 225LX doesn't have a RED wire, it's a typo - they are BLACK, WHITE, and GREEN. I'll fix.

    Geezer - another good catch - will fix that too!

  6. #6


    If you get it worked out, I might just add it to our next manuals. lol. It'll save time for me.

  7. Default

    Mark and co.

    I've incorporated the comments received so far (see below). Feel free to use it anyway you want and if you want the source file just let me know.

    Now... if you could just find someone who knows how to write to fix the Chinglish instruction manual we'd all be better off. Some of the stuff in the manual I received with my 225LX had my eyes rolling. No offense to the original author... I could do no better if I tried to write Mandarin!!!

    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	PowerTig_Wiring_Diagram_v2.jpg 
Views:	1249 
Size:	93.5 KB 
ID:	639  

  8. #8


    You did download the English manual online did you not?

  9. #9


    nice pic vary clear as to what is needed as well and what goes where
    sold my miller mig
    got a PT250EX
    saving up for a plasma cutter

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