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Thread: 82i CNC, 2024 - CNC Port DV Voltage issue, my Plasma CNC

  1. Question 82i CNC, 2024 - CNC Port DV Voltage issue, my Plasma CNC


    I have just upgraded my plasma source to an Everlast 82i CNC Plasma cutter (most recent model/make, dates from 2024).

    My Controller is a "My Plasma CNC" from PROMA Electronics.

    Previously it ran an older, slightly nasty Plasma source with a really cheap and bad torch - and that source had no Voltage Divider - I ran the RAW Voltage to the Controller for THC and that worked charmingly well.

    The MyPlasmaCNC Setup comes with a Plasma Interface that supports either RAW Voltage (not 1-10V, but actual RAW Voltage (usually 90-140V with most plasma sources)...) OR Divided Voltage (50:1 or 20:1).

    here's where I'm running into an issue though.

    when I attach a multimeter in Vdc mode to Pin 4 & 6 on the Everlast 82i CNC Port (which should be 50:1 or 16:1 divided voltage, 1-3Vdc) and "manually" start the torch... I get a good reading, usually around 2.69Vdc.
    whilst this sounds promising - and the readout is within spec - something weird happens as soon as I connect the DV Out to the DV IN on my Controller's Interface.
    The readout voltage during a cut drops to around 0.308Vdc - the voltage drops almost by a factor x10 ....
    Of course then the controller doesn't get a proper readout.

    I've contacted Proma Electronics - and they have been extremely helpful and through whatsapp we ran several tests etc - but the controller isn't the issue.

    They essentially said, that the Source's Voltage Divider needs to put out at least a current of 0.5mA otherwise it won't work.
    Or that the Voltage Divider is faulty.

    I have three options:
    1) Find out how to get the built in Voltage Divider to play nice with my controller (which is the solution I'd prefer)
    2) Run RAW Voltage... (not my preferred choice, as it would mean adding another port to the Plasma, which most likely voids the warranty)
    3) Use a different Voltage Divider (Proma Electronics has one that seems decent and add this to the machine, than connect it instead of the built in voltage divider

    Again my personal pref would be to get the built in voltage divider to work as it should...

    I've seen a few posts in reg. to the CNC Port - but those threads are old - and when I inspect my voltage divider it seems slightly different. first the Jumper is actually installed on the side closest to the CNC Port Pins... and it's covered in a "safety" lacquer ...
    I think it's a newer model, as this seems to be different from the ones in the threads I've seen.
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	a52462ed-9ddf-4879-b3e8-d0bcf6b02621.jpg 
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ID:	14237

    any input is highly welcome - thanks for helping...


  2. #2


    You can call tech support at 877 755 9353 ext 207 and they can help you.

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