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Thread: Typhoon 230 or 330?

  1. Default Typhoon 230 or 330?

    I am going to purchase a welder, but do I need the features of the 330 or not? I am a retired welder but I take specific jobs. don't weld every day.

  2. Default

    Gee, I believe the feature-set is virtually the same on both, and only the amperage is greater on the 330.

    I mean, on my Everlast 210EXT, there were a few trace features absent, compared to the 255EXT.

    But, I doubt that's the case with the Typhoon units, but the exact specs are available at the Everlast website and on PDFs there, I believe.
    Everlast 210 EXT (2015)

  3. #3


    We have 3 different levels of 300A TIGs. We have the 315LX, 325EXT and Typhoon 330. Check them all out before you decide. They are all built well, and equally reliable. Just need to decide how advanced in control features you want.

  4. Default

    I just got a 230 and wish I'd gotten the 330. No real reason except you never know when you may need another 100 amps.
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