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Thread: Cooling the torch

  1. Default Cooling the torch

    New here.
    Just purchased a Lightning 275.
    I find it odd (and I'd like your opinions and feedback) that Everlast cools the Dinse connector first... then the head of the torch.
    We also own a Miller Syncrowave 350 and matching cooler... and Miller runs their flow the OPPOSITE way.
    They cool the line and head first, then the Dinse connector and back out to the tank.
    Which way is better and why ?
    I'm guessing they could be run either way, but thought this was weird.
    Anybody else have another brand that does it a certain way ?
    Just curious.

  2. #2


    Quote Originally Posted by Tinman565 View Post
    New here.
    Just purchased a Lightning 275.
    I find it odd (and I'd like your opinions and feedback) that Everlast cools the Dinse connector first... then the head of the torch.
    We also own a Miller Syncrowave 350 and matching cooler... and Miller runs their flow the OPPOSITE way.
    They cool the line and head first, then the Dinse connector and back out to the tank.
    Which way is better and why ?
    I'm guessing they could be run either way, but thought this was weird.
    Anybody else have another brand that does it a certain way ?
    Just curious.
    This was the case a number of years ago. But in recent years, we went back to the standard configuration. The reasoning why we went that way was our testing showed no difference in torch temps and kept the power line cooler overall. The current version, the torch connector should have a red line coming from it. If not, post what you have.

  3. Default

    I ordered the 200 amp air cooled torch because we have the water cooled torch on our bigger machine.
    I was looking at the torches on the Everlast web site and the pictures show your water cooled torches with a blue hose coming outta the Dinse connector.
    Must just be outdated pics.
    Thank you for the response sir.

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