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Thread: 325ext arc issues

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  1. Default 325ext arc issues

    everlast 325ext tig
    bought February 2021
    the sticker says inspected 11/2020
    pure argon (harris dual flow and multiple different cylinders)
    everlast nova flex torch/ leads, ck weld torch and leads x2
    3 phase
    factory length ground lead (35mm cable) with g clamp style end (tried a few different leads) tried clamping to both work and bench
    tried cleaning and gapping points multiple times, tighter and looser of factory-recommended gap

    tried anywhere from 60-200 frequency
    10-35 balance
    all waveforms
    no pulse
    no 5 furick and edge number 8 gas lens
    black 1.6mm and blue 2.4 tungsten between 15-30 degree angle

    very inconsistent hf starts on ac, not as bad on dc
    splutters and surges on low amperage ac

    did send an email to tech support a few days ago and awaiting their response but thought I would ask here too

    have videos I can email of what it does

  2. #2


    First, get rid of the furick cup and use regular to diagnose issue. Keep tungsten stickout past cup to 1/8" and try it. Make sure torch is in negative (for AC and DC). Set balance for 30%, and frequency for 100hz.
    If it continues, then reset point gap to .035".

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