Hi Everyone,
Recently retired from 45+ years auto mechanic. 2+ years Welding /Fabrication/repair shop. Now to continue side welding/repair jobs out of home shop.
Learned Oxy/Ace welding from Dad at the age of 12. Bought first torch set and tanks at 16.
After two full time years at Welding/Fab shop, Real passion is in Aluminum tig Fab and repairs.
Just took delivery of new PowerPro 256D/ PowerCool W375. Wanted to up my game with pulse and freq. control. Old Lincoln Ideal Arc Tig 250 is good old work horse but a power and Floor space hog!!

May your next weld be better than the last.


Everlast PowerPro 256D
Everlast PowerCool W375
Lincoln IdealArc Tig 250
Miller Coolmate 4
Snap-On FM140
Victor Journeyman Oxy/Ace
Dytron Spray Torch