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Thread: I-MIG 275P pulse settings for aluminum

  1. Default I-MIG 275P pulse settings for aluminum

    Just purchased the I-MIG 275P for aluminum welding with a spool gun. Having some troubles getting some nice setting with pulse to get that nice ?dime? pattern in the bead. I?m using .035 5356 wire on mainly 1/4 and 3/16 aluminum. Does anyone know some setting to get me started? All info around volts and wire speed and all the fine tuning for the pulse settings would be great. Thanks.

  2. #2


    It's not a good candidate for welding aluminum. If you need to weld aluminum, the 253dpi is the product of choice. Otherwise it is totally hunt and peck and or you need lots of welding experience with pulse to properly set the all manual setup...and there is no hot start either which is supremely needed for welding aluminum. The 253/353 models offer all this. At best, the 275 is passable for steel/stainless pulse, and really difficult for aluminum. I NEVER recommend it for anything but steel or stainless IF a person is thoroughly experienced, otherwise it is best to use it like a standard MIG.

    You don't get a dime pattern in single pulse. It's mainly for heat control.

  3. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by performance View Post
    It's not a good candidate for welding aluminum. If you need to weld aluminum, the 253dpi is the product of choice. Otherwise it is totally hunt and peck and or you need lots of welding experience with pulse to properly set the all manual setup...and there is no hot start either which is supremely needed for welding aluminum. The 253/353 models offer all this. At best, the 275 is passable for steel/stainless pulse, and really difficult for aluminum. I NEVER recommend it for anything but steel or stainless IF a person is thoroughly experienced, otherwise it is best to use it like a standard MIG.

    You don't get a dime pattern in single pulse. It's mainly for heat control.

    Thanks for the information, I?m in the process on switching from the 275 to the 253DPi. So back to my last question any information on setup to get my setting dialed in. I will be using both .035 and .045 5356 aluminum wire.

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