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Thread: pay shipping both ways under warranty

  1. Default pay shipping both ways under warranty

    After working with tech support since March finally got somebody to listen, pull trigger air flows but no plasma. as I said got RMA and since it's everlast had to pay shipping; 6 weeks got the ( sorry 3 in 1 Combo Welder Everlast PowerPro 256d ) back had to pay shipping again. Used it for 30 min ( plasma ) heard crack from unit and no plasm and no air when trigger pulled. Bought anothe with a 3 year warranty and they pay shipping BOTH ways

  2. #2


    They will until they go out of business doing it. If the unit failed after shipping it back to you, then you need to contact the company direct. They don't make you pay shipping again if it was something that should have been fixed and wasn't.

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