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Thread: Powerarc 200sti- 6011 keeps sticking

  1. Default Powerarc 200sti- 6011 keeps sticking

    6013 and 7014 run great on this machine but with 6011 it's a stick magnet. I'm using 3/32 6011 70 amps 220v and 100% arc force, tight arc, it just keeps sticking.

    I've tried both 6010 button settings - which should I use for 6011?

  2. #2


    Turn on 6010. But your amps are a bit low. Try 80A. What brand rod? Hobart?

  3. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by performance View Post
    Turn on 6010. But your amps are a bit low. Try 80A. What brand rod? Hobart?
    Hi. I'm using Lincoln electric fleetweld 180. The recommended amperage is 40-85A for 3/32. I'm welding wrought iron steel posts to a thin walled tube handrail and don't want to blow through the tube. I also tried running it DCEN to reduce penetration but it's still sticking. It happens more when I start with a new rod, and it feels like neither the arc force or hot start are working with 6011. Are they reduced in 6010 mode ?

  4. #4


    Usually wrought iron does present issues with welding. It is super high in carbon and having welded it myself, you need to turn up the heat, and focus the heat on the wrought iron (many times it is cast if pre bought on things like finnials etc)

    Are you running on a generator or something?

  5. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by performance View Post
    Usually wrought iron does present issues with welding. It is super high in carbon and having welded it myself, you need to turn up the heat, and focus the heat on the wrought iron (many times it is cast if pre bought on things like finnials etc)

    Are you running on a generator or something?
    No generator - a 6 gauge extension cord running 240v. The steel is really old. I'll try bumping up the heat. What do you think about DCEN, good idea ?

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by pozzello View Post
    No generator - a 6 gauge extension cord running 240v. The steel is really old. I'll try bumping up the heat. What do you think about DCEN, good idea ?
    It's fine, it'll be sort of a soft arc.

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