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Thread: POWERCOOL W400 Dimensions?

  1. Default POWERCOOL W400 Dimensions?

    I recently got a LIGHTNING MTS 275 and am putting together a cart for it and some other tools. I plan on getting a POWERCOOL W400 water cooler as an upgrade for it at some point and am trying to get dimensions for the cooler to make sure it will fit inside of the cart.
    I am looking to get the dimensions for the cooler with and without the tank spout. I was planning on recessing the cooler in the cart so that things won?t caught on it.

  2. #2


    If you use the unit like it is designed to be used (stacked under the 275, directly to it) then nothing will get caught on the cooler fill neck because your work and torch leads stick out further. Anything that would catch on the fill neck would catch on the welder leads first.

    The cooler foot print is the same dimensions as the 275 itself.( of course not as high). About 4 to 5 inches more is all you need to add.

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