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Thread: SSC L50000-S 7-pin TIG Foot Control Pedal For 47K-50K Everlast Welders

  1. Default SSC L50000-S 7-pin TIG Foot Control Pedal For 47K-50K Everlast Welders

    SSC L50000-S 7-pin TIG Foot Control Pedal For 47K-50K Everlast Welders

    Click image for larger version. 

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ID:	13958Click image for larger version. 

Name:	s-l1600.jpg 
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ID:	13959Click image for larger version. 

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ID:	13960Click image for larger version. 

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ID:	13961

    I used this a handful of times its in great working condition. Sold the everlast welder and have no use for this on my new welder (different resistance).

    It is a must have for Everlast welders smooth pedal great action. I wish I could keep it for my new welder.

    Boxed and ready to ship asap USA only.

    125 + 3% for paypal fees. (paypal)

  2. #2


    The new NOVA pedals that we offer are smoother and longer life than the SSC pedals. The SSC pedal is good for the older units, pre 2015, but for anything newer, the NOVA pedal works better.

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