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Thread: New Powerarc 141 STL questions

  1. Default New Powerarc 141 STL questions

    Can someone tell which foot pedal will work with the new 141 STL please. And if the economy pedal is an option. Also. If I wanted to get one of the nicer torches does a the 2t switch come with them and if not can they be had separately. Lastly they must be fairly new I can't really find much info on them, anyone tried one out? Thanks

  2. #2


    Nova 22k Pedal, and No, I would not recommend the eco pedal. Switch is extra, and does not come with the NOVA torches. 25.00 extra.We've been offering the torches for several years now. Good, low issue rate on the torches.

  3. Default 141 STL Powerarc

    Quote Originally Posted by performance View Post
    Nova 22k Pedal, and No, I would not recommend the eco pedal. Switch is extra, and does not come with the NOVA torches. 25.00 extra.We've been offering the torches for several years now. Good, low issue rate on the torches.
    Thanks for the info. I have a 2015 PP205S with 47k foot pedal. I was hoping it would work but, No worries, I'll save up a bit and get the different pedal.

  4. Default Lift arc question

    Quote Originally Posted by performance View Post
    Nova 22k Pedal, and No, I would not recommend the eco pedal. Switch is extra, and does not come with the NOVA torches. 25.00 extra.We've been offering the torches for several years now. Good, low issue rate on the torches.
    One more question. I noticed that tHere is no pre flow on this machine so I am womdering how it initiates for this machine. What I am guessing is I would press the switch, touch the tungsten, wait a second for pre flow to start, then lift to start the arc.

  5. #5


    Preflow is automatic.

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