Just an Update after three years of service. I am still very happy with this unit. I have hundreds of Hours of service out of it so far. Aluminum, Stainless and all others I could find. Always searching for new idea's. I converted to a CK 2 series flex torch last year after the Everlast torch started to leak at the head. The Fuel pump on my home made cooler kit but had a Methanol pump laying around I use now. It pulses but i do not notice it. I also picked up a FirePower(ESAB 186) 200a AC/DC unit. I got a good deal on it from one of my dealers(under a grand). It is all digital. I am not sure if it is the digital part or the unit but I have not had the greatest luck welding aluminum with it. Steel and SS is fine. I have used it a lot on the race car but not much else
Over All I would definitely buy this unit again