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Thread: Adjustable EP and EN?

  1. #1

    Default Adjustable EP and EN?

    I was just reading about the ability to adjust the amperage of EP and EN independently as well as AC Balance while welding in AC. I was just curious if any of the Everlast tig welders have this ability. Any input would be appreciated. Thanks.
    Everlast 200DX Dual Voltage
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  2. #2


    Quote Originally Posted by MBfrontier View Post
    I was just reading about the ability to adjust the amperage of EP and EN independently as well as AC Balance while welding in AC. I was just curious if any of the Everlast tig welders have this ability. Any input would be appreciated. Thanks.
    To my knowledge, only the Miller Aerowave has that ability. It’s a big, heavy, power hungry machine. Go for the EverLast ac/dc machines. They will give you all the cleaning/penetration you would ever want on ac.

  3. #3


    The larger Miller units have this...but it is tit for tat regarding features. We actually had that years ago, but found most customers did not use it or understand it, OR they felt it was not valuable to them. So we dropped it. It is something we can revisit. However, we have something better that increases penetration on Aluminum. And it increases low end control as well: Advanced Pulse. None of the other guys, red, blue, or yellow have it. Mainly because it turns a 250 amp machine into the equivalent of a 400 amp unit.

  4. Default


    I’ve mentioned it before on an internet forum or two, that the AC Amplitude Control feature (aka AC Offset) is a rare and advanced feature that seems helpful for thinner aluminum, from videos that I seen, but that I’m guessing that the added Triangle waveform on my 210EXT does as much for thinner aluminum. It’s what I use for thin aluminum, and it really does help keep the heat constrained so the puddle doesn’t wet out too much or tend to drop out.

    Interestingly, there was some stir that was needlessly created on a couple of forums when I brought up the topic of the Amplitude Control feature on a Topwell unit (unsupported in N.A.), versus how it is implemented on the Miller Dynasty 210/280DX models. And, ultimately, seeking firsthand feedback from a fellow forum member and Topwell user got me permanently banned (one-strike-and-you’re-out, even for courteous queries) by an uptight moderator/administrator. And on another prominent welding forum, I was temporarily banned (two weeks) regarding a thread or two I created on a Topwell unit that I was contrasting with the Miller Dynasty feature set, since the Topwell had a similar columnar interface, but included AC Amplitude Control feature (like some Dynasty models), but also included the MIX TIG feature (aka Advanced Pulse).

    Anyway, the Red and Blue crowd (which includes moderators too), seemed bothered by my pointing out that the AC Amplitude Control feature on a Miller Dynasty 210/280 DX models only comes as an optional upgrade via an SD card, and costs about $500. And they didn’t like that I’d also point out that you could get three (3) comparably equipped and featured Everlast EXT units as you could with a Dynasty DX model. So, I was ultimately scapegoated, even though my sensible assertions and observations were tolerated for a while.

    Look how big the box is, for something that is the size of a Quarter. Ha, ha, ha...
    Click image for larger version. 

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    But I really hate how Miller Electric cripples those two Dynasty models just so they can create a State-patentable line of computer code on a 50 cent piece of plastic, in order to charge an extra $500 for a “proprietary” and “patentable” function. I mean, as a pro-Market, Anarcho-capitalist, I hate to see companies exploiting customers that way, by running to the State for a patent and quasi-monopoly that way. Patents are a State-invention that stifles innovation and bilks consumers. Patents came from so-called Monarchs and the Mercantilists of Old England, and they rely on the coercion of involuntary taxpayers to enforce them, which is another telltale sign that they’re bad for most people. Of course, use of patented stuff can also elicit “royalties” from other producers who came up with the same ideas at the same time, or sooner, but just failed to get to a State patent office first. Patents are State-granted and enforced ownership of an idea, for a term of years.

    Miller does now seem to be following Everlast’s first-to-market lead, with their new Mutimatic 220. And now ESAB has finally gotten their 205 MIG-AC/DC TIG unit (which includes AC Offset at no extra charge, but no added waveforms) to market here at the tail end of 2019, even after two years of erroneously claiming to be the first-to-market, when Everlast’s 221STi and 252STi units (which also includes added AC waveforms, nice!) were way ahead of both Miller and ESAB with a deliverable MIG-AC/DC TIG Multi unit.

    That’s one of the things I like about Asian welding units, that they don’t tend to try to jack up prices with State-enforceable proprietary tricks and patents.

    Some mercantilist producers have probably tried to get the State to accept a patent on certain laws of physics, so that they can jack up prices for consumers via a monopoly or gain in “royalties” from other producers who want to implement inherent physical laws. I mean, I believe certain colors are “trademarked” for tractors and other implements or equipment. But, at least for now, the State doesn’t grant patents on certain laws of physics, like AC Amplitude Control.

    I know that Asian units have patents too. But I think they use them in a mostly defensive way, so that they can keep producing products without so much harassment from the US State Department, via the World Trade Organization, etc.

    Anyway, I guess this post may not be a precise fit or context for an Everlast Forum. But since dissolved its forum area recently, there’s no other popular cross-brand welding forum that I’m not banned from, so I’ll continue a bit further.

    Of course, I’m not anti-North American products. Where they have merit and good value, I’m all for them. Miller and Lincoln do seem to be getting the message from the invisible hand of the market (us consumers), as their latest two units, the Multimatic 220 and Aspect 230 are nearly competitive with comparable Everlast units.

    For advanced-featured AC/DC TIG units, I think the Everlast EXT line is a no brainer for both hobbyists and professionals.

    I like the schematic diagram interface/layout of the EXT line. But, a schematic diagram does take up interface real estate on the panel to contain and display all of the many advanced features. And I did like how my 210EXT didn’t bother to have the Easy Setup feature included on the interface panel. I didn’t mind not having the Spot Timers feature either, shoehorned into the design of the panel of the 210EXT. The 255EXT has those extra features, which some my like, especially the Spot Timer, I’m guessing. An Easy Setup feature seems silly to have on an advanced-featured TIG unit, as a digital interface becomes very easy, very quickly. And Everlast will probably keep producing analog interface TIG units (just knobs or dials) for those who want easy or simple.

    But, with the latest Everlast unit, the Lightning MTS 275 (a MIG-AC/DC TIG Multi) now having a large TFT digital display, I’m guessing that if the EXT line of TIG units get a design refresh, that a digital TFT display may be included, which could be a good thing, because then there would be no issue in keeping all of the the features and layout constrained onto the size of a front panel, i.e., you could add a feature, like AC Amplitude Control, without having to shoehorn it onto the panel diagram or shrink the text on other panel features, e.g., the HTP Invertig 221 (which includes AC Offset at no extra charge, but has no added waveforms) has a schematic diagram and text on its panel that seems quite “squinty” to me, not that I’ve actually used one.

    Click image for larger version. 

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    And that’s another cool thing about Everlast and its Asian producer, that they don’t have a big bureaucratic structure to slow them down and add to their costs, like Miller and Lincoln do.

    So, here we have an Everlast rep suggesting that AC Amplitude Control could be “revisited” on a future Everlast unit. That’s such a cool and innovative thing in the North American welding marketplace. ROCK ON, Everlast!

    Yeah, please do add AC Amplitude Control into a refresh on some EXT units, especially if they include a nice TFT digital display, so the panel doesn’t get too squinty. Then Everlast will have the only North American-supported, advanced-featured AC/DC TIG unit with added waveforms, AC Amplitude Control, ADD Advanced Pulse (MIX TIG), too.

    I mean, there is actually one other importer that does have a recent, supported digital AC/DC TIG unit that includes MIX TIG/Advanced Pulse (but no added waveforms included). It’s an Eastwood digital unit. But I don’t think the Eastwood managers or their video demonstrators know yet, what the feature is. It did take me a few years to get around to demonstrating the feature on one of my YouTube videos a couple years ago. And I’ve had my 210 EXT almost 5 years now. But most of the aluminum I do is thinner stuff, so I don’t really have much use for the feature. But, the Advanced Pulse does really add some punch if you leave the DC half of the wave set to 100% amperage, i.e., then it’s non-reductive, unlike a typical Pulse, which goes from high-to-low amperage. Advanced Pulse is more of a side-to-side Pulse between AC and DC, in which you can leave the DC half at full amperage for surprising punch and penetration.

    Of course, many in Red and Blue crowd (anti-Asian) have tried to tell me on forums that MIX TIG or Advanced Pulse is just an Asian gimmick, and that if it was any good that Miller would have it on their units already. They just didn’t know that units like Kemmpi, and other fine European units (like Weco) have had the feature on their TIG units for some time. Ha, ha, ha.

    Click image for larger version. 

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ID:	13906

    Anyway, this thread was started a couple years ago, and the forum here is slow, but AC Offset and MIX TIG still seem like relevant topics for advanced TIG users (not that I'm really one). I’ve never used AC Offset myself. Like I said, a Triangle waveform on the 210EXT is my go-to for thinner aluminum. But I take an uncommon viewpoint that beginning AC TIG welders can benefit from the more advanced-featured TIG units, rather than the more basic ones, especially since the better Asian-produced advanced-featured AC/DC TIG units are so affordable these days. I mean, for the features and performance that you get with an Everlast EXT model today, you had to pay 3-5 times as much, or more, just 10 years ago, if you could even find one machine that could do as much or that contained all of the same features.

    It’s such a great time to be in the welding unit marketplace!
    Last edited by christian; 11-22-2019 at 10:01 PM.
    Everlast 210 EXT (2015)

  5. Default

    I think miller series welders are suitable to you.

  6. Default

    The two new Everlast Typhoon TIG models have Independent AC Amplitude Control (EP/EN), as well as various waveforms, which I believe can be assigned differently on each polarity.

    The new Everlast Typhoon units are actually more feature-rich than even the Miller Dynasty units, since the Typhoons also have Advanced Pulse/MIX TIG (which uses AC and DC to weld aluminum with greater penetration). Even my 210EXT has the Advanced Pulse/MIX TIG feature, which does give the 210 amp unit the ability to weld thicker aluminum than without the feature.

    So, yeah, Everlast may be a little late to the party with AC Amplitude Control, but they've made a big splash now that they've agreed. I mean, you may know that for the longest time the Dynasty 200 and 350 models hobbled those unit from allowing the AC Independent Amplitude Control feature, unless you paid an extra of about $500 for a little SmartCard option with a few lines of "proprietary/patentable" computer code to enable the feature. But, Miller finally stopped doing that on their latest Dynasty models.

    Here's a short video clip of a new Typhoon 230 doing a stainless exhaust.
    Last edited by christian; 08-07-2023 at 07:26 PM.
    Everlast 210 EXT (2015)

  7. #7


    We had it in 2011, but deleted it because most customers reacted with a yawn. Now everyone wants it, so we have it.

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