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Thread: My aluminum skiff project.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    Cornwall on Hudson, NY

    Default My aluminum skiff project.

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	2016-03-09 17.25.20.jpg 
Views:	572 
Size:	143.9 KB 
ID:	13538
    I worked out the design with Kevin Morin and it was designed by him on a CAD program. I did the layout and cutting myself rather than having it CNC cut. It was something I am glad to have experienced but will have it CNC cut if I do another.

    Much of this was tig welded with Everlast 325EXT. All internal gunnel pipe supports and pipe rub rail was tig welded. The skiff is 18 ft 1 in long and beam is 6 ft at the chine. Aluminum sheet and plate is 5086 and Supergaze 5356 wire and rod used on plate and on the 6061 pipe. This is my first skiff and I was tutored and mentored by Kevin Morin of Kenai AK. He is a true artist and simply the best at what he does in aluminum skiff building. I am 70 yrs old tomorrow and took my first welding course at Lincoln's school in Ohio when I was 65. My plate welding certification is as precious to me as my college degree. I appreciate the quality of the Everlast tig equipment and the help they provided in getting set up was invaluable. I am just getting started.

  2. #2


    I love boat projects.... more pictures and details please.
    2013 250EX : SSC Pedal : I-MIG 250P 20' Profax gun : Power Plasma 60 p80 torch : 3M Speedglas 9100XX : Evolution Rage 3 DB cold saw

  3. Default


    These kind of projects and the back story are really nice!
    Everlast 210 EXT (2015)

  4. #4


    Man, that is awesome!

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    Everlast PowerArc200ST

  5. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by downline View Post
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	2016-03-09 17.25.20.jpg 
Views:	572 
Size:	143.9 KB 
ID:	13538
    I worked out the design with Kevin Morin and it was designed by him on a CAD program. I did the layout and cutting myself rather than having it CNC cut. It was something I am glad to have experienced but will have it CNC cut if I do another.

    Much of this was tig welded with Everlast 325EXT. All internal gunnel pipe supports and pipe rub rail was tig welded. The skiff is 18 ft 1 in long and beam is 6 ft at the chine. Aluminum sheet and plate is 5086 and Supergaze 5356 wire and rod used on plate and on the 6061 pipe. This is my first skiff and I was tutored and mentored by Kevin Morin of Kenai AK. He is a true artist and simply the best at what he does in aluminum skiff building. I am 70 yrs old tomorrow and took my first welding course at Lincoln's school in Ohio when I was 65. My plate welding certification is as precious to me as my college degree. I appreciate the quality of the Everlast tig equipment and the help they provided in getting set up was invaluable. I am just getting started.
    Downline, good to see up pop up here! I don't hang out much 'round these parts but good to see you're still upright. Us geezers are grateful for every day! I will be more present soon as I'm getting the new Everlast 275P and looking forward to wringing her out. I'm hoping it arrives in time to use it on my latest skiff that's about 90% done, the last 10% is the cabin out of .125" and the pulse will be handy. All these years I've never had pulse. I like that you covet your cert as much as your sheepskin!

    Take good care,

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