So I've had the machine for a year now, mostly using GMAW ac/dc and it works great for that. Since day one while using SMAW the initial arc would always act as if the arc force is maxed and approximately double the amperage for the first half second or so. Acts the same with the Arc force at 0 or 100, DCEP or DCEN. I would just start the arc in a non consequential spot and deal with it. Now while trying to brush up for my F3-F4 test in a couple days, I'm noticing another issue. First time using 6010 with it, it also seems to have a massive amperage jump after burning the rod for a bit say 3/4" of the root, or perhaps when the machine gets a bit hotter(only running 70 amps).
Has anyone dealt with this before? Is it just how these machines act?