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Thread: 200dx. Can hear relays clicking on and off when machine not being used..

  1. Default 200dx. Can hear relays clicking on and off when machine not being used..

    My 200dx sounds like it is clicking relays on and off all the time when it is not being used. I have it on AC settings and it randomly has clicking noises coming from inside.


  2. #2


    I've not heard anything of this. You should call tech support and discuss it with them. ext 207

  3. #3


    I know I'm being a bit of a smart ###, Sparky the ghost must be close by.
    Everlast 250EX with cooler and WP20 Torch
    Millermatic Mig Welder
    Gas welding setup
    A bunch of Snap-On tools
    And a Brain

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2012


    Unplug it and see what happens. As the main power switch is a circuit breaker that cuts all power, unless one leg isn't being cut, I can't see how the machine could get any power. Is the gas shut off?
    Long arc, short arc, heliarc and in-the-dark!

  5. #5


    I think he means the relay clicks on and off while power on. I had to re-read it and that was what I got. But like Mark said, best to call support. Does it weld OK?
    Mike R.
    877-755-9353 x203
    M-F 12 - 7PM PST
    FYI: PP50, PP80, IMIG-200, IMIG-250P, 210EXT and 255EXT.

  6. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by everlastsupport View Post
    I think he means the relay clicks on and off while power on. I had to re-read it and that was what I got. But like Mark said, best to call support. Does it weld OK?
    Yes machine is still turned on with led display on.

    I actually have holes appearing when welding, did an example weld only using just the tungsten and no filler. Whether or not this a gas related issue or contimanation as opposed to a electrical issue I not know. I did this weld on a bit of 1/2" thick flatbar to show the issue. I never weld 1/2", was just using the thicker aluminium to see if it too would give the bubbles.
    It does this on 3mm 1/8" thick aluminium too. Is that just what happens to aluminium if you heat it up and do not use filler. I would love to see someone else do a similar test.

    Also, tungsten so. I have always used 2% lanthanated. Boss went to the store to get supplies, I said we needed more tungsten so, gave him the old pack and off he went. Came back and the store did not know what they were and do not sell lanthanated. So he ended up with the white tip Ceriated.
    What I did notice was the weld beads were considerably shinier and cleaner with ceriated.

  7. Default

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	20160510_104916.jpg 
Views:	364 
Size:	137.5 KB 
ID:	13419photo of that weird weld with bubbles or holes
    Quote Originally Posted by PeterA View Post
    Yes machine is still turned on with led display on.

    I actually have holes appearing when welding, did an example weld only using just the tungsten and no filler. Whether or not this a gas related issue or contimanation as opposed to a electrical issue I not know. I did this weld on a bit of 1/2" thick flatbar to show the issue. I never weld 1/2", was just using the thicker aluminium to see if it too would give the bubbles.
    It does this on 3mm 1/8" thick aluminium too. Is that just what happens to aluminium if you heat it up and do not use filler. I would love to see someone else do a similar test.

    Also, tungsten so. I have always used 2% lanthanated. Boss went to the store to get supplies, I said we needed more tungsten so, gave him the old pack and off he went. Came back and the store did not know what they were and do not sell lanthanated. So he ended up with the white tip Ceriated.
    What I did notice was the weld beads were considerably shinier and cleaner with ceriated.

  8. Default


    You've posted this "bubbles" photo on Welding Web already and have received feedback too.

    Are you now shopping for a new answers or do you just like to show the picture?

    Again, shove some rod into the puddle and move the torch.

    Quit blowing bubbles and being mystified by it. Ha, ha, ha...

    Quote Originally Posted by PeterA View Post
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	20160510_104916.jpg 
Views:	364 
Size:	137.5 KB 
ID:	13419photo of that weird weld with bubbles or holes

  9. Default


    So I guess then that this is normal. This is simply what happens to aluminium when it is autogenously welded then?

  10. Default


    Apparently so, aluminum welds don't do well without filler, unlike the ferrous metals.

    I mean, I'm new to AC TIG on aluminum myself, and have not seen that tendency yet. But I use filler rod when joining aluminum pieces or laying down beads, and I haven't dwelled on 1/2" aluminum plate in an autogenous fashion.

    So, you don't have a problem with any project or particular weld.

    Start laying down some filler beads on plate, then do some butt welds, lap joints, edge welds, inside and outside corner joints.

    If you have a problem, take some pics and show them here or at Welding Web.

    Quote Originally Posted by PeterA View Post

    So I guess then that this is normal. This is simply what happens to aluminium when it is autogenously welded then?
    Last edited by christian; 05-14-2016 at 12:31 AM.

  11. Default

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	20160511_144545.jpg 
Views:	382 
Size:	137.9 KB 
ID:	13420I just did this weld on the 1/2 flat bar to show better the hole I get. It does the same thing on 3mm ally too.

    Here is a photo of some 3mm sheet butt welded together.

  12. Default


    Stop it, you poor baby, and obviously fraudulently newbie TIG welder!

    You still don't have a problem!

    Do some real welding, without the fake whining!

    Although, not bad, with an Everlast 200DX/DV, which I've actually used, but have upgraded to a 210EXT, thanks to the nice policy and interaction of Everlast staff.

    PeterA is a fraud, i.e., does he still "hear clicking." OH, MY! What a proverbial welding ****** PETER-A is.

    Gee, is it politically-incorrect to say that, now?

    Quote Originally Posted by PeterA View Post
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	20160511_144545.jpg 
Views:	382 
Size:	137.9 KB 
ID:	13420I just did this weld on the 1/2 flat bar to show better the hole I get. It does the same thing on 3mm ally too.

    Here is a photo of some 3mm sheet butt welded together.
    Last edited by zoama; 05-14-2016 at 05:18 PM. Reason: Lets keep it family friendly

  13. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by PeterA View Post

    So I guess then that this is normal. This is simply what happens to aluminium when it is autogenously welded then?
    Welding (melting) without filler rod should produce nice shiny puddles. Given the porosity issues in the photo it looks like your light on gas. When you hear the clicking does the flow gauge ball move off 0 at all? When you welding is the gauge showing normal and steady flow? And of course did you acetone then brush the aluminum?

  14. Default


    I think I was being too hard on PeterA.

    Sorry about that PeterA.

    That sheet photo doesn't show problem that I can see. Maybe a close-up would help.

    If there is a pervasive problem with porosity, it is most likely gas related. And like one guy on Welding Web suggested to you, that a bad collet and O-ring at the torch can introduce air into the gas stream and cause problems.

    I'd get a spray bottle with soapy water in it and check for leaks all up and downtime line.

    I'd also get a fresh bottle of Argon.

    Did you call the Everlast support number?

    Quote Originally Posted by christian View Post

    Stop it, you poor baby, and obviously fraudulently newbie TIG welder!

    You still don't have a problem!

    Do some real welding, without the fake whining!

    Although, not bad, with an Everlast 200DX/DV, which I've actually used, but have upgraded to a 210EXT, thanks to the nice policy and interaction of Everlast staff.

    PeterA is a fraud, i.e., does he still "hear clicking." OH, MY! What a proverbial welding ****** PETER-A is.

    Gee, is it politically-incorrect to say that, now?
    Last edited by zoama; 05-14-2016 at 05:20 PM. Reason: Lets keep it family friendly

  15. #15


    You should seriously consider joining that sheet metal by some other means such as using rivets or spot welding.
    Everlast 250EX with cooler and WP20 Torch
    Millermatic Mig Welder
    Gas welding setup
    A bunch of Snap-On tools
    And a Brain

  16. Default

    Is it possible to spot weld aluminum?

  17. Default

    That doesn't sound much like a Relay to me, I'd be thinking that's High Voltage arcing out. It's more of that kind of Snap....

    Look around it in the Dark while it's doing that, you might catch sight of a flash

  18. Default

    well, that sounds interesting because there seems to be a 'flat spot' on the pedal when using the machine too. Where is just has no power and is a very bard arc. I did start another thread for that.

  19. #20


    Quote Originally Posted by PeterA View Post

    How long have you owned this machine ?
    2013 250EX : SSC Pedal : I-MIG 250P 20' Profax gun : Power Plasma 60 p80 torch : 3M Speedglas 9100XX : Evolution Rage 3 DB cold saw

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