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Thread: I-mig 140E trade? or sell

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2016
    Okinawa, Japan

    Default I-mig 140E trade? or sell

    I literally just bought an I-mig 140E like a week ago and I do love it but now I realize I should have gotten a bigger one. Don't suppose anybody has an MTS 200 to trade plus cash?

  2. #2


    You may want to add your location.
    Lincoln A/C 225
    Everlast P/A 200

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2016
    Okinawa, Japan


    I am stationed in Japan but can ship through the post office like normal shipping

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2016
    Okinawa, Japan


    I am open to reasonable offers but remember it's only a week old so don't try to rape me. I have one 2 lb spool ran through it.

  5. Default


    It may be smarter to try to sell it to someone there. I mean, the iMig 140 can be gotten here on much of the the North American continent at $369, via Amazon, with free shipping and the original warrantee.

    I mean, it's a needless risk for someone here to buy it from you, especially being on the other side of an Ocean, even at half-price of an already brilliant value of $369.

    But, yeah, I've also looked very closely at the iMig 140 and the MTS 200. I think the MTS 200 is brilliant for it's dual-voltage, adjustable pre and post-flow, higher amperage; also the DC TIG capability with built-in gas solenoid, HF starts, and wired pedal option. But I've got a 210 EXT, so I'd undoubtedly opt for a MTS 200 without the expense of the TIG package.

    So, I believe Everlast does have an upgrade option within their 30-day guarantee, I believe. Maybe you could talk to the staff there and work something out, even with the added FPO/APO Ocean issue.

    Quote Originally Posted by pavetim View Post
    I am stationed in Japan but can ship through the post office like normal shipping
    Last edited by christian; 03-30-2016 at 06:29 PM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2016
    Okinawa, Japan


    I really dont need a tig I have a 210 ext at home I seem to like the mts 200 either that or the I mig 200 but the mts has more options. Good point tho, I'll try to sell it here

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