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Hi zoama, looking good! No need to efface here, they look fully 'PRO' to me.
I haven't looked at the forum for a long time and glad that I did because of my interest in this machine for to hook up to a Miller feeder with a 30A gun. As you know I've successfully done that (gun only) with the I-mig 200. As you also know I've sung the little guy's praises many times. I'm itching to do this and have questions for you. I think you have a spool gun? Have you tried it on AL with the gun? You are pretty hot there at 28V and have you crowded it to push the duty cycle? The machine is listed as stick capable but I only see the ground tap and not a + tap, so is that connection through the Euro? What I want to do 'should' be relatively simple as the Miller feeder supplies all the mojo to make the gun work so all that's needed is to make the power source turn on and off. I know lugweld sez there is no contactor as such but something energizes the machine and that is via the spoolgun connection or Euro- a simple wire trace. In this case, I want to maintain the ability to use the on-board wire feed so it would be different than what I did with the I-mig. I've tried on this forum and others to get some feedback about this machine but it has drawn blanks. Longevity makes a similar machine (even looks identical) and I've had actual feedback but their machine is synergistic and I'm not interested in that capability. Also,there is something about their persona that turns me off a bit. After all, I have two green machines that have made other sales for Everlast and those owners are equally happy; stick to what you know, yes?
Soooo, if you have anything that could help me I would greatly appreciate it.