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Thread: Power Tig Foot Pedal Fix

  1. #1

    Default Power Tig Foot Pedal Fix

    I have a Power Tig 200DX that I have had for about a year and a half and the foot pedal started to give me trouble. When I would start an arc the arc would be nearly at full power right from the get go and not taper up or down as it should. The pedal was acting more like a switch. I took it apart and found that the timing belt pulley was slipping on the potentiometer shaft. I tightened up the screws and it worked for a while but started doing the same thing again. Took it back apart and tried to tighten up the screws some more but the plastic had given up and the hole was stretched out. To fix this I decided to replace the pulley with a metal one. After some measurement I found it to be a 14 tooth xl timing pulley with a 6mm hole though it. You can get one here or on ebay as well. You will need to drill and tap it for a set screw, I used two 8-32 set screw and it is working a lot better now. Hope this helps other out.


    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	IMG_20141118_192113.jpg 
Views:	838 
Size:	148.6 KB 
ID:	12581


    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	IMG_20141125_183158.jpg 
Views:	965 
Size:	141.8 KB 
ID:	12582
    Last edited by eman5oh; 11-26-2014 at 12:17 AM.

  2. #2


    Nice job, that should last.

  3. Default

    I just ordered one! This would be great if it fixes the problem that has plagued us because the original Belt & Gear, that so many pedals were assembled with, was a Miss/Match from the Start!

    I have struggled with this and performed Many of the recommended Mods (modding the belt teeth, increasing the spring tension, etc.) and it's been working Much better but it suffers in the Very Cold because those parts Never "meshed" like they are supposed to (different TPI in the Belt/Gear when new).

    Thank You Very Much for posting this!

  4. #4


    I can't speak for how long it will hold up yet, as I have not done much welding since I fixed this but I don't see the issue with it slipping on the shaft coming back.

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