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Thread: Tigging 2 different size Aluminums?

  1. Default Tigging 2 different size Aluminums?

    I am new to Welding (past year of so) and have navigated welding Aluminum with all of it's challenges to an acceptable (hobby) level. My question is, "how do you join 2 different thickness aluminums"? For example, I have .125 thick aluminum diamond plate and tried welding an .063 aluminum hinge and the hinge just disintegrated when using sufficient amps to melt the .125.

    Any help is appreciated. Thanks!!

  2. Default

    Torch Angle...

    Instead of having the cup parallel with the joint, you "tip" it towards the thicker material and put more heat in it. You actually get the thicker piece to melt sightly first and them roll the torch (heat) onto the thinner piece slowly until they're both "shiny" and ready for you to add filler.

    You need the Amps for the thickest piece, and shield the thinner from those amps by not exposing it all into that part by angling away!

  3. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by Blaster View Post
    Torch Angle...

    Instead of having the cup parallel with the joint, you "tip" it towards the thicker material and put more heat in it. You actually get the thicker piece to melt sightly first and them roll the torch (heat) onto the thinner piece slowly until they're both "shiny" and ready for you to add filler.

    You need the Amps for the thickest piece, and shield the thinner from those amps by not exposing it all into that part by angling away!
    Thanks for the input. I will give it a shot.

  4. #4


    Torch angle...yes...BUT....

    Concentrate the arc on the 1/8" and make sure you aren't using more than 120 amps or so. And weave the cup over to the thinner piece and just quickly kiss it in relation to the time you spend on the 1/8". Add the filler when you are sweeping back to the thicker piece. Try that.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2012


    Also use a foot pedal or finger amptroller so you can change amps as you move from the thick to the thin, can help. Also you can give it a quick blast to help get the two to join, once they are both shiny, and you add a little filler. Once you get a good tack between the two it goes a lot easier. If you work from the center out, you won't blow away the corner of the hinge getting started, either. It just takes practice.
    Long arc, short arc, heliarc and in-the-dark!

  6. Default

    These are all great tips and I will try. I love my PP205 and am happy with my progress, but when it came to different thickness of aluminum, I am struggling, which is why I reached out to the forum. Without this forum, I would not be able to progress. Thanks everyone for input!

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