My name is jon, I have a small time welding shop I run part time, the rest of the time I am a aviation tig welder for the navy and use a 600 lb. miller syncrowave 350p regularly, the first advantage is the duty cycle at 200 amps for being only 65lbs, aviation is pretty thin stuff so going over 150 is rare, the arc on the everlast is quicker and more stable on ac and since it's inverter style I weld everything with 2% lanth so I don't have to swap back and forth for materials like I to on the miller saves money and time, I added the w300 cooler and a weldcraft cs310 torch and improved the machine even more, every time I get to fire this machine up it is like therapy while under the hood! Thank you team everlast
Your pp80s is performing well on the torchmate also.