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Thread: Tried my hand at copper welding today

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  1. Thumbs down Tried my hand at copper welding today

    Made this copper goblet out of billet about a year ago..

    Finally got the time to tig it together..

    The goblet,stem and base all turned on the lathe and the goblet was hollowed out on the mill..

    Wall thickness was anywhere from 1/8 inch to just over a 1/4 inch.. ( still learning)

    Did the tig welding with the PowerTig 255ext. Took a little while to get it up to temp on the goblet to stem weld but with the help of the rosebud things

    got moving... (sorry, no photos of the welds,,,, not proud of them)

    Over filled both joints and went back to the lathe to smooth them out....

    Think it turned out nice...

    From the desk of Kevin Caron, where the answers are stranger than the questions....

  2. #2


    Looks nice, now you need another one for a matched set
    EverLast 140ST
    PowerPlasma 50
    No You Can't Use Them

  3. Default

    No, No and a resounding NO!!!

    Not an easy piece for me to do..

    The inside work on the goblet took forever!!!

    Need more practice for sure....
    From the desk of Kevin Caron, where the answers are stranger than the questions....

  4. #4


    What filler did you use? It sure looks nice anyway. What made you attempt something like that?
    Mike R.
    877-755-9353 x203
    M-F 12 - 7PM PST
    FYI: PP50, PP80, IMIG-200, IMIG-250P, 210EXT and 255EXT.

  5. Default

    The next test is to see how well it holds a Moscow Mule!
    Everlast PowerTig 250EX
    Lincoln WeldPak w/MIG
    Harris Oxy/Acetylene
    One or two big hammers

  6. Default

    I "Tried-my-hand" a couple of weeks ago too.

    A friend dropped-off 1/2 bucket of SS scraps that I was playing with. I was 'sperimentin with backpurging and saw a "Jody Vid" (WTT) where he had one of these. I thought it looked Soldered and that's what I intended to do but then thought about Lead getting soft if too close. I decided to Braze, but before I did, I tried to see what Tigging would look like in the first corner.

    I pulled some Bond Wire form some 10/3 NM scraps and was surprised how easily it started to flow (kinda like Alum). The Big Surprise came when I discovered how HOT the fill wire gets So quickly, I had to swap them after about 10secs (w/gloves!)

    Not a pretty weld, I was filling a 1/4-3/8" gap, but it Didn't Leak! (although it probably doesn't belong in the "Art" Forum...)

  7. Default

    My brother is a performer at the Renascence festival in Texas. He asked for a copper goblet for his costume....

    The filler is romex house wiring. Had some left over from a light install at the studio and thought "Why not"...
    From the desk of Kevin Caron, where the answers are stranger than the questions....

  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by Kevin Caron View Post
    My brother is a performer at the Renascence festival in Texas. He asked for a copper goblet for his costume....

    The filler is romex house wiring. Had some left over from a light install at the studio and thought "Why not"...
    Will have to try it. I have spools of romex (son always wants to scrap it ).

    And he probably got the brother price, too bad.

    Funny, I said to myself, I recognize this name. Then I clicked your link. Welcome aboard and very nice work.
    Mike R.
    877-755-9353 x203
    M-F 12 - 7PM PST
    FYI: PP50, PP80, IMIG-200, IMIG-250P, 210EXT and 255EXT.

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