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Thread: drive rolls

  1. Default drive rolls

    Hi, We just got a PowerMTS 250S Synergic Mig Tig Stick machine and everything seems to be in order except for one thing. The unit came equipped with a drive roll for 0.6mm and 0.8mm wire (equivalent of 0.025" and 0.030" wire), and it came with 0.040" and 0.045" tips. Does anyone know if the machine was supposed to come with a larger capacity drive roll? If not, where can an aftermarket drive roll for 0.035" and larger be found? Tried Miller and Lincoln drive rolls but the geometry was incompatible. Any help on this and other part replacement reccommendations would be greatly appreciated.

  2. #2


    The drive for the .030 is designed to work with .035. Some changes have been made, but the standard rolls used to be .030 and .040...which would work for .030, .035 and .040 and .045. No issues feeding should occur.

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