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Thread: Late Christmas Gift PowerTig 210EXT Need some answers Please.......

  1. Default Late Christmas Gift PowerTig 210EXT Need some answers Please.......

    Hey Guys finally picked up my Green Monster Today At Everlast...I met Duncan and his Wife...was great dealing with them....and walked out with this baby

    Now I'm a little confused about the US models and Canadian models...And I can't find the manual for this specific 210EXT the only thing close to it is the 255EXT <<
    are these the same units..??? and can i use that...also noticed only when i got home is the stick welder thingy the black cap in the front where you put the rod in is cracked will this hamper anything...`I don't want to bother Duncan if its not going affect will see in the pics...and the un-boxing from my suv to my table.

    ALSO in the box of acc there is 2 torches 1 WP9 and a this normal...?

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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    Northern Virginia


    Hey, Merry Late Christmas! Welcome, John, and congrats on the new machine!

    You may want to call Duncan or PM him on this forum, if only to ask about the manual. You have the updated version of the 210EXT, and the manual on the Everlast download page is for the earlier machine and it looks like the functions are different. I'm a little surprised the manual was not in the box. You could ask him about the electrode holder since you're on the line anyway.

    The 210 is similar to the 255; the 255 ships with an air cooled torch and a water cooled torch. At first I thought you received the accessory package for the 255 but the wp9 and the wp26 are both air cooled. I don't know if the newer 210 ships with two air cooled torches or not. No harm in contacting Duncan to follow up with questions.
    Oxweld oxy acet gear
    IMIG 200
    PowerTIG 210 EXT... Amazing!

  3. Default

    Hi DaveO.... I did send him a email just waiting for a reply...

    and yes this is the latest model of the EXT as I was told by Duncan...Nice man by the way....Love his accent...

  4. #4


    This is not the 2014 US version of the 210 (and am not sure that this will be a long term version of the 210ext for Canada), but the 210ext you see here is essentially the same as the 255ext in operation and you can download the manual on the 255ext for the instructions.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    Chandler, Arizona, USA


    Quote Originally Posted by performance View Post
    This is not the 2014 US version of the 210 (and am not sure that this will be a long term version of the 210ext for Canada), but the 210ext you see here is essentially the same as the 255ext in operation and you can download the manual on the 255ext for the instructions.
    I'm confused... This front panel is different than the original 210 control panel, but you say it's not the new version. What is it, then? Is the 255 control panel being used for a Canada version of the 210?

    Finding myself in the market for a 210 once again, I want to be as educated as possible this time around.

    210EXT (2013 USA)

  6. #6


    It's an intermediate 210unit, one that will not be available in the US. The new US version 210 ext will only have 3 wave forms, deleting the sine wave, but preserving the triangular wave form. Easy startup modes are not supposed to be available. This is to separate the units in features and offerings and keep them more distant in pricing, otherwise the pricing is just too close together between the 210 and 255 with the same features.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by RichardH View Post
    I'm confused... This front panel is different than the original 210 control panel, but you say it's not the new version. What is it, then? Is the 255 control panel being used for a Canada version of the 210?
    It will be confusing with the same name. I thought it was a great idea to change the 250EXT to the 255EXT so it was clear what version you are talking about. Maybe if Everlast CA keeps that model it should be renamed like 215EXT or 210EXTCA. But the horse has sorta left the barn on that one. Canada and the US have not always shared the exact same lineup. Australia also has their own models, but most have different model numbers so it's easy to tell them apart.
    Last edited by Rambozo; 12-31-2013 at 03:18 AM. Reason: Mark has the answer
    Long arc, short arc, heliarc and in-the-dark!

  8. Default

    This particular model is only available in Canada and Australia at this time. We stopped carrying the original 210 ext that is supplied by the USA in favour of carrying this new model.
    As Mark has mentioned the 210 and 255 have identical features and the USA will be downgrading the features on the 210 for there market and . Mark has mentioned in a previous post.
    The Tig torches supplied are in fact both a WP 9 and a 26 torch as opposed to just supplying the single tig torch as is the norm.
    As for the stick electrode holder I can replace the head for this and send it off to John, however the stick holder itself is not used but having the scratches is fairly common as they are packed in bulk and shipped this way. As I mentioned to John when we where going through the accessories this morning ,the foot pedal is actually operated here when the machine is tested by us. Because this is a new pedal we feel it only prudent to spend a little longer in testing just to make sure there are no hiccups with the new design before shipping out.


    905 637 1637

  9. Default

    John I think I mentioned to you that Kempy on this forum uses the 255 ext . As both Welders are the same you may want to get involved in some of his posts on the 255 and his experience and settings with running it.

    905 637 1637

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    Chandler, Arizona, USA


    Quote Originally Posted by performance View Post
    The new US version 210 ext will only have 3 wave forms, deleting the sine wave, but preserving the triangular wave form. Easy startup modes are not supposed to be available. This is to separate the units in features and offerings and keep them more distant in pricing, otherwise the pricing is just too close together between the 210 and 255 with the same features.
    So, I'm reading here that features are being removed in the next rev of the 210EXT. Is there a reason one would prefer the upcoming revision?

    With the 255 being 3-phase and higher-power, it already seemed to have differentiators for its higher price. Is the thinking that more is needed to justify that price gap? Or does this mean the price on the next 210 will be lowered? ;-)
    210EXT (2013 USA)

  11. Default

    Well after speaking to Duncan this morning it's all good And I look like the idiot... the plastic on the stick was a over flow on the plastic i just ran a flat head screwdriver at the opening and it turn out was some over access plastic its all good now..

    as for the name like Duncan says its like the 255 but 40 amps less...which I'm fine with that...

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