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Thread: sdr kel's fabrication work using everlast 200dx

  1. Default sdr kel's fabrication work using everlast 200dx

    here are some of my recent work using the new 2013 model everlast 200dx.

    304ss down pipe.

    aluminum short ram intake

    Last edited by sdr kel; 11-10-2013 at 02:34 AM.

  2. Default

    dump tube

    oil catch can

    power steering reservoir

    (still not done, just ordered the filler neck and filter)

  3. #3


    Looks like you have stepped in to the pro league,,,nice work,,,wish I could do that...
    Some of those lies people tell about me, are true

  4. Default

    a few more work ive done since the last time i posted here, still workin the everlast 200dx. i recently plugged it on the 220v couple weeks ago to do an intercooler and this thing got some serious BALLS. lol the whole time i was hooked up on 110v cos i was lazy to make an extention to plug it into the dryer plug.

    well heres some pics

    some bluish/pur on 304 16ga ss

    mild steel to ss using 309l filler

    oil catch can setup

  5. Default

    dumptube for wastegate

    endtanks for intercooler

    stackin some dimes

    tanks welded up to the core, iirc this was at 180amps

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