So I kept putting off uploading all of my contest photos and projects, and then I realized last night the contest is nearing an end in less then a, here I am (not a minute early!
). I thought I would do a few quick and easy projects that will help me out in the shop on a regular basis. I decided to modify some Vise Grips that I had laying around in my tool box. I brought this idea up in another post recently, but for some reason, I made a bunch of tools at work a few years back and now I don't have them....Some of the coworkers there that I worked with indirectly had sticky fingers while others thought that borrowing something meant that they could keep it until you asked for it back, so I really shouldn't be surprised about my missing tools.
Anyways, this is a couple pairs of Vise grips with a square piece of tubing welded onto the side, which can be used to secure your MIG stinger or TIG torch, AND you can also mount smaller tubing inside of the pockets on the Vise Grips and rig up a base to rest your hands on while you TIG weld out of position . I used round on the last pair I made, but the issue there is if you clamp the pliers sideways (vertical), the pipe or tubing that is used for supporting your hands has a tendency of rotating on you...very annoying!
Here's video of the project: