Time has been in short supply this summer but had a little time to make some buckles for some friends in Germany.

Used some .064 Brass sheet and some 1/4" solid copper grounding wire. Rough cut them out with the Supercut 50P and finished the edges on the belt sander.

Got the too the anvil and made a dish form to the stock by working them on the anvil in a circular motion working from the center out, this will round the edges up and dish the buckle. The dimples on the front are from the wear spot in the anvil giving the etched look. Used some silver solder to attach the letters made from copper ground wire that was flattened. Also used some1/8" brass tig rod on the back for hook and the belt bar.

tried a couple of different finishes but the marbled look from soldering and heating the copper looked best. Added some flat clear coat after cleaning and they are in the suitcase of to Germany.
Click image for larger version. 

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