I had another thread, but I am kind of going in another direction. Also a lot of things have happened in-between then and now.

Earlier this month, I had all the cash saved up to do the conversion. I even e-mailed Chris @ UJOR to line up parts (sorry Chris). Then one of my bikes took a crap on me and I got tired of it and bought a new one. So... there went that cash.

I had a few on going projects I had to finish. My teardrop camper and my bike. I was tired of having 5 projects going at one time. So now everything I've been fighting with for the last year is now done.

Here is my camper. I have a few things I have to finish that will get done next week:

I already finished the hatch that you see exposed.

And I added fenders too!

The van I am fixing to take advantage of.

Plans for the van:

UJOR 6" kit
Custom built F/R bumpers.
Custom built roof rack with LED's.
OBA System
Train horns
On board water system.
Driver's side passenger window.
Rear seats.
And a bunch of crap I can't think of.