At the fire department where I'm the assistant chief has a baseball field. It hasnt been used in a few years and became a little run down. I think the township didn't have enough teams to use the field. This is the same field where I played baseball when I was little. Had a lot of good memories there. Well anyways, they ended up needing the field this year, so some guys from our fire department assisted the athletic association and their volunteers and put in some time and helped them fix it up. New paint, new infield dirt, some stone and a little elbow grease went a long way. I have a wood CNC and made up some signs to stick around the outfield fence who donated some cash to buy supplies.
I had some extra steel laying around from past jobs so I thought I would wip something together for a new sign for the baseball field. Here are some pictures.
I used a W4x13 for the vertical post with 2"x2"x1/8" around the top for a seat for sign. The sign itself is made from 3/16" steel. It was cut on a CNC burn table using the PP50 and welded together with the I-Mig200.