Thought this would be a good project for the contest.
These are getting popular i made one and took it to my Daughter In Laws father in Germany and now his brother wants one.
The letters are U for Udo ,M for Martina and C for Chenoa . The are all big in Country Western and Cowboy Stuff. Used some 3/8" x 1 1/4" cold rolled bar to bend up all the letters on the anvil or my home made pin roll. The U and the C were easy but the M always takes some time if you make it in one piece. Used some 3/8" x 1 1/4 and 3/8" x 3/4" bar for the backer plate ,I added a nut on the back to have a temporary handle to use it here, i doubt if it will ever be heated up red again but you never know. Setup the 200DX on 160 amps 8 CF 7 cup with a gas lens and welded it all up. Did a test burn to make sure all the letters were close to even and then added there sign to our sign post.