Originally Posted by
on a car that's going to have a lot of tuning done to it, and lots of part swapping, a carburetor is about the easiest way to go. Its a lots easier and cheaper to swap some jets and adjust your idle mix than to have some one write a custom fuel map for you every time you swap parts. and if you're planning on making some big dyno numbers, the price for those high flow fuel rails and injector setups get to be more expensive than the best carburetors.
The downside is that carburetors are picky. And can be a bear in cold or foul weather.
Easy is relative. It all depends on what you are doing yourself or having others do. Typing a number into a computer to adjust a fuel curve, compared to removing a float bowl and swapping out a jet, not to mention having to go buy said jet if you don't have it. So cost and labor is relative. If you do almost everything yourself it is just how much you value your own time. If you send out all your work, it's how much someone else values their time. 
Also many changes that would require re-jetting a carb, will be automatically compensated for by a good fuel injection system.
But yes in building from scratch, FI will cost more than a carb, no doubt about it.
My favorite quote on that is one attributed to Russ Collins; "Speed is just a question of money. How fast can your wallet go?"
Long arc, short arc, heliarc and in-the-dark!