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Thread: Project 1 from Zedron - Honda B16 Intake Manifold

  1. #1

    Default Project 1 from Zedron - Honda B16 Intake Manifold

    So I started messing around a little today and decided to make an intake manifold for a friends car. Didn't get any welding in because I am designing/building as I go and its going slow. I had to do the main piece twice because I didn't make my measurements correctly for the bends in the break the first time. When I did the first one it was all twisted and wouldn't have lined up, lesson learned.
    Pics so far:
    Click image for larger version. 

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    The flange on the bottom is one I had CNC'd in a batch for when I make ITB manifolds, so I already had it.
    Click image for larger version. 

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    What I am going to do next is cut out a plate for one end and then machine out a 3/8 piece of AL plate for the other end cap where the throttle body will bolt to. Once that is done I will close up the big gap with a piece of sheet and add the runners and then the flange.
    Not much so far for 4 hours of work, lol. If I didnt mess up the first one I would have been better on time.
    2013 PT-200DX
    Ryobi Drill Press
    8" Shear
    6" Bench Grinder
    4x8 CNC Plasma Table

  2. #2


    Forgot to put correct thread title with category listed. Didn't think about it since I put it in the forum which the category falls.

    Project 1 from zedron. Category: Custom Automotive on/off road Welding
    2013 PT-200DX
    Ryobi Drill Press
    8" Shear
    6" Bench Grinder
    4x8 CNC Plasma Table

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Cambridge, ON. CA

    Default More needed!

    How about some plans on what the manifold is supposed to look like? I'd guess by the looks of it that piece of sheet metal will be the plenum and you'll cut and weld for pipes from the plate to the plenum, right?

    What you might want to consider is the huge amount of vibration those I4s put out. Especially if it's gona be a DD reving low in stop and go traffic. Steer away from stainless. Also I'd say go with something thicker than 14 guage at a minimum. Maybe find a more ways to support it by anchoring it to the engine.

    Is this going into a civic? In my tuning days I used to have a sweet EK9 with a B18c NA. Sold it for an MR2 after a few years. Though I needed a change but still miss it.
    PowerArc 140ST
    Victor VPT-100FC

  4. #4


    You are right. The big aluminum sheet is for the plenum. I haven't figured out how I want to make the runners yet though. This one will either go on my friends turbo non DD EK hatch or my non DD turbo Integra. I am going to have it flow tested against an Edlebrock manifold to compare when finished.
    2013 PT-200DX
    Ryobi Drill Press
    8" Shear
    6" Bench Grinder
    4x8 CNC Plasma Table

  5. #5


    Figured I would post the finished product up minus the injector bungs. I had to mill those from some solid AL bar. No pictures because I forgot to take some before I put it on car and car is now gone.
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	IMAG0377.jpg 
Views:	508 
Size:	76.7 KB 
ID:	9578
    2013 PT-200DX
    Ryobi Drill Press
    8" Shear
    6" Bench Grinder
    4x8 CNC Plasma Table

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Whine Country, California


    How thick is that flange that you had CNC'd? The end result looks awesome! It looks like you've made a few of these prior to this one, as it looks professionally done. I've messed up more than my share of sheet metal in the metal brakes at my old job. It's really easy to do, especially if you don't mark your bends clearly, or you are in a hurry!

    This post reminds me of how much I want to get an A/C tig welder for welding aluminum and magnesium!
    New Everlast PowerTig 250EX that is begging for me to come up with a few welding projects so it can stretch it's legs. Did someone say aluminum???

    Atlas 618 lathe
    Milwaukee Porta Band with custom made stand
    Dewalt 4-1/2" angle grinder
    Dewalt 14" chop saw

    Strong Hand Nomad portable table
    Juki sewing machine I've had for years (yes I know sewing is for girls)

  7. #7


    Heh. I know what you mean. I messed up once in the brake for this one and it was on the last bend...arghhh!!! There are two CNC'd pieces there. The first is the main flange which my friend sells, not exactly sure on thickness. Its either 3/8 or 1/2" thick. The other piece is what the throttle body is bolted to on the left and is definitely 3/8" thick because i machined it myself. It is set inside the plenum so you cant see it from this angle and since the TB is bolted on it.
    2013 PT-200DX
    Ryobi Drill Press
    8" Shear
    6" Bench Grinder
    4x8 CNC Plasma Table

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Litchfield Park, AZ


    That is a cool project. Did you have any issues with the flanges deforming when welding?
    Miller 252
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  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by DVA View Post
    That is a cool project. Did you have any issues with the flanges deforming when welding?
    I bolt them to a 1" steel jig to reduce warping. I use the same jig for when I make turbo manifolds. It still moves a little bit even with moving around to different areas of the piece to spread the heat out. The movement isn't enough that the gasket cant fix though.
    2013 PT-200DX
    Ryobi Drill Press
    8" Shear
    6" Bench Grinder
    4x8 CNC Plasma Table

  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by zedron View Post
    Figured I would post the finished product up minus the injector bungs. I had to mill those from some solid AL bar. No pictures because I forgot to take some before I put it on car and car is now gone.
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	IMAG0377.jpg 
Views:	508 
Size:	76.7 KB 
ID:	9578
    What is the throttle body off of? Do you know what size it is?

    I am thinking about making a single TB intake plenum for my turbo bike an dam looking for TB options.
    Everlast 200DX
    Everlast PT185
    Shoptask 3-in-1 (not currently in my garage, but I own it...)

    Any day on a motorcycle like this that ends just needing parts and labor is a good day.
    4.82, 158.67mph 1/8th mile 7.350, 200.35mph 1/4 mile

  11. #11
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    Whine Country, California


    Quote Originally Posted by zedron View Post
    Heh. I know what you mean. I messed up once in the brake for this one and it was on the last bend...arghhh!!! There are two CNC'd pieces there. The first is the main flange which my friend sells, not exactly sure on thickness. Its either 3/8 or 1/2" thick. The other piece is what the throttle body is bolted to on the left and is definitely 3/8" thick because i machined it myself. It is set inside the plenum so you cant see it from this angle and since the TB is bolted on it.
    It's almost always the last bend that gets messed up! Murphy's law! It's especially tough when braking something up that is 10' or really big/heavy, and you need to rely on another person to brake up your material with.

    I quickly learned to mark out my brake lines with different color fine tip Sharpe's and use a numbering sequence! Even with that you need to watch the other person like a hawk since most of the items I would ask for help with happened to be stainless, copper, or (special order) 10 gauge cold rolled. It was always for some rush job too!

    I was asking about the thickness of the main flange since it looks like 1/2". The 3/8" thick material I've used in the past for flanges seemed like fairly thick stuff, but that 1/2" is much better for your application. The ones I used for VW applications were water jet cut and it always amazed me how "clean" they were (freshly cut)! I never even had to file them to get fasteners or tubing to fit inside.
    New Everlast PowerTig 250EX that is begging for me to come up with a few welding projects so it can stretch it's legs. Did someone say aluminum???

    Atlas 618 lathe
    Milwaukee Porta Band with custom made stand
    Dewalt 4-1/2" angle grinder
    Dewalt 14" chop saw

    Strong Hand Nomad portable table
    Juki sewing machine I've had for years (yes I know sewing is for girls)

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Greater Seattle, WA


    Nice work... making intake manifolds with the TIG welding processes works out very well!

    (I once tried making one with the oxy-acetylene welding process, which was a big mistake.)
    '13 Everlast 255EXT
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  13. #13
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    Whine Country, California


    I read an article in an old Hot Rod magazine when I was in 9th grade metal shop that explained what was needed to gas weld aluminum with the oxy-acetylene torch, so I got some insight from my instructor and before long I was off and running.

    Of course I thought I could weld any aluminum project that you would normally tig weld, but I soon found out that trying to gas weld an intake for my car wasn't such a grand idea! A lot of work went into nothing, and I haven't gas welded aluminum since!
    New Everlast PowerTig 250EX that is begging for me to come up with a few welding projects so it can stretch it's legs. Did someone say aluminum???

    Atlas 618 lathe
    Milwaukee Porta Band with custom made stand
    Dewalt 4-1/2" angle grinder
    Dewalt 14" chop saw

    Strong Hand Nomad portable table
    Juki sewing machine I've had for years (yes I know sewing is for girls)

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