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  1. #1


    The new Digital Microprocessor controlled 250 Amp PowerTIG 255 EXT will be here soon with some radical new design and improvements over the previous model. Expected delivery will be in March. The units feature wave form control for AC welding, Advanced AC pulse along with standard AC/DC pulse. It features memory function. It also has excellent starting, with low amp capability for AC and DC. The unit also is slated to have an "easy setup" function which features a good starting point for the user for both AC and DC without having to go through a complicated setup process or give the operator a "recenter" point if the customer needs it. The Stick features Hot start time/current control, along with arc force control. Simplified layout and design makes the unit easy to set up and assess the programmed parameters. One knob control keeps the adjustments simple and intuitive. This unit like the 210EXT feature PowerFactor Correction which improves generator operation and withstands "dirty" power better than ever before. If you have further questions give us a call. Some details are being finalized now and full specs will be available shortly after the first of the new year. This unit is compact and is projected to operate on single phase 240 or 3 phase 240 with a 480V 3 phase option available at customer request.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

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  2. #2


    A few more details...
    The 255 will have many of the basic performance specs of the 250EX as far as basic parameters, which is a good match for most people including a higher pulse rate. The 250EX still offers some of the best parameters in the business, so it is a good model to project in a digital form. Advanced pulse is still going to be around the pulse rate of the 210ext's for right now because nature of it. It will retain many of the features of the 250 ext except the amplitude which we have developed up to 4 wave forms for it. (See pic above) The easy setup feature is projected to be set up for fast setup with a good starting point that is workable for most people. Any direct questions about any parameter can be posted here, and I will try to answer it, or get an answer for you.

  3. Default

    How well does it do with the pedal? Very important for me!

  4. #4


    Having not used it yet, I cannot say 100%, but that is a top priority for us in that matter. I suspect it will be as good as any machine we sell, including the EX because of significant design rework in that area with heavy scrutiny going to that part of the machine.

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by performance View Post
    A few more details...
    The 255 will have many of the basic performance specs of the 250EX as far as basic parameters, which is a good match for most people including a higher pulse rate. The 250EX still offers some of the best parameters in the business, so it is a good model to project in a digital form. Advanced pulse is still going to be around the pulse rate of the 210ext's for right now because nature of it. It will retain many of the features of the 250 ext except the amplitude which we have developed up to 4 wave forms for it. (See pic above) The easy setup feature is projected to be set up for fast setup with a good starting point that is workable for most people. Any direct questions about any parameter can be posted here, and I will try to answer it, or get an answer for you.
    AC pulse rate will be limited to 10 Hz?

  6. #6


    Do you have to push a button to select pedal or trigger? Is this setting stored in the 0-9 program?

    Do you get 10 settings total, or is it 10 for ac and 10 for dc?

    What is advanced pulse compared to standard pulse?

    What is easy setup? how is it different from standard setup?

    What is the duty cycle?

    is the fan as loud as a 250 EX?

    Has the torch protection been eliminated?

    What are the dimensions?

    Will my SSC pedal work with this?

    What kind of a torch?

    Power cord included?

    Is this going to be an even trade for the 250EXT's?

    Is there a switched socket for the water cooler?

    Is the HF/Lift setting stored in the program?

    Is the pedal full size, or a mini like the 210?

    Is the pedal built more rugged than the standard lx, ex pedals?

    Does the pedal have rubber feet, or does it sit on the metal screw heads like the lx, ex pedals?

    Does the pedal have a heel clip for easy dragging ?

  7. #7


    Start amps on ac and dc?

    Are the start settings programable like the 210?

  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by todmorg View Post
    Do you have to push a button to select pedal or trigger? Is this setting stored in the 0-9 program?

    Do you get 10 settings total, or is it 10 for ac and 10 for dc?

    What is advanced pulse compared to standard pulse?

    What is easy setup? how is it different from standard setup?

    What is the duty cycle?

    is the fan as loud as a 250 EX?

    Has the torch protection been eliminated?

    What are the dimensions?

    Will my SSC pedal work with this?

    What kind of a torch?

    Power cord included?

    Is this going to be an even trade for the 250EXT's?

    Is there a switched socket for the water cooler?

    Is the HF/Lift setting stored in the program?

    Is the pedal full size, or a mini like the 210?

    Is the pedal built more rugged than the standard lx, ex pedals?

    Does the pedal have rubber feet, or does it sit on the metal screw heads like the lx, ex pedals?

    Does the pedal have a heel clip for easy dragging ?
    Todd, to best answer your questions, take a look at the 250EX specs for most of the answers. It will use the EX pedal and so being it will use the ssc pedal as well. It should also be able to use a variety of other pedals provided you use the correct plug (auto sensing on the ohm value) and use the same number of wires.

    You will get a total 10 settings as of now, unless it can be made to be more, but that is the minimum we are shooting for.
    From my understanding, since the pedal can be plugged in and override the 2T/4T setting it will be a separate non programmable feature.
    Take a look at our video on the 210 EXT to see the AC advanced pulse explained. The advanced pulse will be limited to 10 hz. The AC regular pulse should be similar to the 250EX.
    We've already explained several of the features elsewhere but will be happy to reanswer them here.
    The easy setup: It will be preprogrammed into the machine basic settings that will work for most users, especially on AC, which will include a basic starting point on amps, balance, and hertz.
    Duty cycle is slated to be 60%. Standard setup will retain last features used on startup.
    Yes it will have the same basic fan as the 250EX so it will be as loud.
    The water flow circuit is gone.
    Dimensions will be similar to the 250EX, within an inch or two. It is smaller than the original 250ext.
    At this point the torch has not been decided, but probably for now will use the wp18 or wp20.
    Power Cord is included.
    Any trade is to be worked out directly with the office. It's going to depend on use and damage I suspect. Final price has not been set yet that I know of.
    There should be a socket for the water cooler, but not sure if it will be switched or not.
    All pedal issues are what you have with the EX. We're limited to what is available from the factories on that.
    Not sure on how the lift start/ HF will be saved or not, probably not though since this is a separate circuit not included in the programming circuit.
    Start settings are not adjustable or able to be programmed at this point. Low amp start for AC and DC will be around 5 amps and start similar to the 250EX in that respect.

    All this is tentative as we have stressed and MAY change, though we have given the list and know basically what can and can't be done technologically wise in the factory.
    Last edited by performance; 11-28-2012 at 05:31 PM.

  9. #9


    Will my SSC pedal work with this? ---- YES it will

    What kind of a torch? ---- WP20F

    Power cord included? --- YES

    Is this going to be an even trade for the 250EXT's? --- YES EVEN TRADE

    Is there a switched socket for the water cooler? --- SOCKET WILL BE IN THE BACK OF THE UNIT

    Is the pedal full size, or a mini like the 210? ---- FULL SIZE SAME AS EX250. PEDAL from 210 will be optional to buy
    Oleg Gladshteyn
    Phone: 650 588 8082 / 877 755 WELD
    Cell: 415 613 6664 ONLY IF YOU REALLY NEED IT

  10. Default

    Todd, Mark, & Oleg,

    Thanks for all the good questions, and the updates. I don't see any showstoppers yet, so I'm still in!

    I'm imagining some interesting uses for the Advanced Pulse, and I wonder what to do with a triangular wave?...

    My questions are:

    Are you providing the torch switch on that WP20F? I liked the the one on the 250EXT.

    Do you think the machine's weight will also be somewhere between the old EXT and the EX?

    Is the AC balance scheme actually in Clean% (EP) or is it going to be " -% 0 +% " like the 210/250EXT?

    Anyway, looks good as long as it goes without surprises. I'll know in the first second if it'll work for my needs (that's where my issues are).

    Keep at it!

    Last edited by JimMinKent; 11-28-2012 at 07:09 PM.

  11. #11


    The 20F will have a torch switch.
    Weight will probably be about 70-80 lbs.
    The balance will either be the 0 center point or negative % at this point. As I have said, I don't have a hands on visual yet, and some things are final so, I am projecting a few things at this point.

  12. #12


    Here is a top down size comparison just sent to me. (Don't know why it doesn't have a front on visual, but its pretty easy to extrapolate).
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	photo 1.jpg 
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Size:	143.8 KB 
ID:	8580   Click image for larger version. 

Name:	photo 2.jpg 
Views:	1103 
Size:	145.2 KB 
ID:	8581  

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Litchfield Park, AZ


    Will this be the same type of WP-20 torch supplied with the original 250 EXT?

    Also, it is sounding like this machine is an up graded version of the 250 EX, is this the case for the 255 EXT?

    Also, when will we have the shipping information to send back the 250 EXTs?

    Quote Originally Posted by Oleg View Post
    Will my SSC pedal work with this? ---- YES it will

    What kind of a torch? ---- WP20F

    Power cord included? --- YES

    Is this going to be an even trade for the 250EXT's? --- YES EVEN TRADE

    Is there a switched socket for the water cooler? --- SOCKET WILL BE IN THE BACK OF THE UNIT

    Is the pedal full size, or a mini like the 210? ---- FULL SIZE SAME AS EX250. PEDAL from 210 will be optional to buy
    Miller 252
    PowerTig 250 EXT
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    48X6 inch Belt Sander w/ 9 inch Disk Sander

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Eastern Oregon


    Quote Originally Posted by Oleg View Post
    What kind of a torch? ---- WP20F
    Great choice Oleg!

    Quote Originally Posted by performance View Post
    The 20F will have a torch switch.
    Weight will probably be about 70-80 lbs.
    The balance will either be the 0 center point or negative % at this point. As I have said, I don't have a hands on visual yet, and some things are final so, I am projecting a few things at this point.
    If you choose to go with the center +/- balance, will the graphic be changed to more clearly and accurately represent this configuration?

    Are there any hidden/submenu adjustable parameters at all like on the 210EXT?
    Penncrest Buzzbox - Infinite amp control! Man the 70's were good.
    Everlast Powerplasma 60 - Reliable unit, cuts well.
    Everlast i-MIG 250P w/spoolgun - Really smooth, plenty of cajones.
    Everlast 250EXT - Sometimes it just takes a kick in the balls...
    Everlast 255EXT - Just started playing

  15. #15


    Graphic is probably not going to be changed at this point of development... As we said above, the start items in the hidden menu won't exist at this point. The only other real ones are the advanced pulse, and the 2T/4T setting, both of which are pulled on onto the front panel.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    May 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by performance View Post
    Graphic is probably not going to be changed at this point of development... As we said above, the start items in the hidden menu won't exist at this point. The only other real ones are the advanced pulse, and the 2T/4T setting, both of which are pulled on onto the front panel.
    Has this been designed to allow software updates to be installed by the user, either by a socketed EPROM swap or some type of port to flash (JTAG or the like)?
    Long arc, short arc, heliarc and in-the-dark!

  17. #17


    No. No user upgrades just like the others.

  18. Default

    Mark, can you answer this question, perhaps based on current 210EXT behaviour. I have not found this info elsewhere...

    When setting up Advanced AC pulse, are the following settings limited in range at all, or do they keep their full range:

    Waveform, AC Balance, Pulse Amps%, Pulse Time On% ?

    I am hoping that the operator still has full control of these even while introducing DCEN to the process.

    Thanks in advance,


  19. #19


    Quote Originally Posted by JimMinKent View Post
    Mark, can you answer this question, perhaps based on current 210EXT behaviour. I have not found this info elsewhere...

    When setting up Advanced AC pulse, are the following settings limited in range at all, or do they keep their full range:

    Waveform, AC Balance, Pulse Amps%, Pulse Time On% ?

    I am hoping that the operator still has full control of these even while introducing DCEN to the process.

    Thanks in advance,

    Jim, there's no reason why waveform or balance should be affected. But pulse amps and time on are set the same, except DC subs for Pulse amps. There shouldn't be any difference. Frequency can change though because the constant variation of AC and DC is a rather "tough" process and switching can't be done as fast as far as my understanding goes. 10 hz is a practical limit for the benefit received as it is designed for thin metal and rapid freezing of the puddle. You can see the video of the 210 operating in Advanced Pulse mode. Maybe that would help.

  20. Default

    Thanks Mark,

    I'm quite fine with 10 hz in Adv. Pulse mode, and glad to see that you expect those 4 settings to remain fully operational. I am looking forward to seeing what this mode will do.

    With regard to special features, I think by having 4 waveforms and this Advanced Pulse capability, we will be much more capable than we were with the Bias effect alone.



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