I welded up this layover disk that my uncle put together that we were gonna use for covering up and later laying our potatoes by and create a little mound for before planting. I welded it all up with our mig. It took maybe an hour or something to weld it but i dropped a part he had tacked and it broke so some of the time was getting it all lined up. We have since put it together and tried it out and it works quite good. We decided that we need to make an attachment that attaches behind it to dig a little ditch perfectly in the middle of it so you can plant strait into the hump. I have pics of all the parts and will put pic of whole thing all put together when get the chance. It has 3 ajustments for how wide of a hump it makes. Picture 4 attaches to the bottom of picture 6. It works great so far and saves a lot of time.