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Thread: aluminum intercooler tank

  1. #1

    Default aluminum intercooler tank

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Combo Intercooler Tank and Fuel Cell 001.jpg 
Views:	489 
Size:	134.9 KB 
ID:	6271Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Combo Intercooler Tank and Fuel Cell 007.jpg 
Views:	571 
Size:	141.1 KB 
ID:	6272Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Copy of DSC03132.JPG 
Views:	500 
Size:	57.4 KB 
ID:	6273

  2. #2


    the material used was .100 5052 ..these are used mostly in strip racing but are used in everyday drivers as well.the last big tank was made for a gt-40 gas tank.a friend of mine and i make these he has a different transformer tig welder and i have the 250 ex,guess which ones were welded on my machine.made at if anyone needs any made.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Indian Shores Beach, FL - U.S.A.


    Nice work... you've obviously been doing this a while judging by your picture gallery.
    PowerTig 250EXT ordered on 2/20/12 - AluMig~250P - MasterTig~250AC - Matco Mig~Spot Welder - Giaintec CAT250D - Harris Steelworker Oxy/Acet - Henrob DHC 2000 - Van Norman CB1401 - Lagun FTV1 Mill - CM Mill/Drill - CM 13x40 Lathe - CM 7x12 Bandsaw - CM 6x48 Belt Sander - CM 12 Disc Sander - Baldor 3/4HP Buffer - TP 960 Blast Cab - 48~Box & Pan Break - 52~Foot Shear - 20~Ton Press - 80~Gal 7.5HP Compressor - 9' Snap On Tool Box - 30' Stainless Tool Box Workbench - 3M Speedglas 9100Xx

  4. #4


    I also built one of these for my MR2 turbo. It mounts in the trunk behind the carpet. I'll post up pictures later today.
    Everlast PowerTIG 225LX
    Everlast Power IMIG 200

  5. Default

    Very nice welds and fab work.

    Everlast Powertig 200DX
    Miller Synchrowave 200
    Miller Dynasty 300 (Work Machine)
    Hobart Handler 210MVP
    HTP Microcut 30

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