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Thread: Why is there only Multi Process or MIG/TIG/Stick?

  1. #1

    Default Why is there only Multi Process or MIG/TIG/Stick?

    Looking at the Multi Process welders on >> THIS << link, I see I can select


    The Multiprocess welders I really like because I can get a much coveted plasma cutter. (Leaning towards the PowerPro 205)

    However, I am then denied any sort of MIG unit like I might have in the MTS 160.

    I would even settle for the ability to hook up a spool gun to one of the Multiprocess models if that would get me a nice, complete package.

    Are these units just out of room inside to add one more piece to allow all processes?

  2. #2


    We've discussed this repeatedly here. I am sure a quick search would turn up some additional information regarding it, but in short, MIG does not compete with plasma HF and components very well. There are technical issues regarding it, and are two completely different processes: CV vs. CC. Tig and Plasma are CC. Mig is CV. But that is not the major issue. The Tig plamas still require separate inverters to produce the individual processes. Adding a CV circuit requires enormous extra components and space. It is easier to add CC to a CV machine, than CV to a CC machine as well. But the frequencies and tuning of the plasma can burn out the CV side.

    No you can't hook up a spool gun to a CC machine.
    Last edited by performance; 02-21-2012 at 03:30 PM.

  3. #3


    I did, in fact, do a search in this thread group, but I did not see anything related. Perhaps others did not word their questions with the phrases I was searching for.

    "MIG does not compete with plasma HF and components very well."
    - I don't even understand that. Compete as in Pre Sales?

    "two completely different processes: CV vs. CC. Tig and Plasma are CC. Mig is CV." - The MTS machine I referenced shows CV and CC.

    "The Tig plamas still require separate inverters to produce the individual processes. Adding a CV circuit requires enormous extra components and space. It is easier to add CC to a CV machine, than CV to a CC machine as well. But the frequencies and tuning of the plasma can burn out the CV side." - OK, I think that last part has answered my question.

  4. #4


    compete: as in, plasma interferes and damages mig drive and circuit components. It possibly could be done given a big enough case, and enough shielding, but the sheer technical requirements makes it out of the question for us. But yes, it would also interfere with sales of other units...

  5. #5


    Ah. Cool.

    So does Everlast build some sort of machine that has AC/DC CC/CV for TIG and Arc? It sounds like I would do best to get a stand-alone plasma cutter.

  6. #6


    AC is another issue, as it requires HF. Mig won't work with HF components very long or well.

    You are correct in your last statement.

  7. #7

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