Well ive got around to post the start of a log splitter me and my cousin have been building. This is for one of our skid loaders. The first step was to start finding the metal for it. We had that cylinder. It came out of a missal silo. Its got a 4 ft stroke and 5 in diameter. Its a bit of an overkill but got it for free. The hardest part was the I-beam. One I-beam wouldnt be enough unless getting a real big one. we were afraid it would start to twist on us. Thought about boxing one in on each side but decided better yet just weld 2 together side by side. We were looking for a 8" tall by 4" wide for it because it would be plenty strong but couldnt find anything quick enough. We ended up using one we had out back. It was a little too big for two side by side but too small for just one. So far we have got them welded together, made a push block, made the big main wedge and welded it on some, and modified the beam some to hold the cylinder. Ive got several hours of welding and cutting in it so far. Still got a lot too go. Its got a good start on it. Ive been doing all the welding with the everlast powerarc 200 except the push block which i was trying to use our miller 251 mig but i got tired of messing with it and it messing up. The push plate may of been a bit of overkill because its 1 5/8" metal but we wanted something that wouldnt ever bend. Heres some pics of whats done so far.

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