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Thread: Arc Force

  1. #1

    Default Arc Force

    Do you guys use the Arc Force for Tig welding and if so what setting? Ac or DC?
    Everlast PowerTig 200DX
    Snapon FM140 Mig
    Purox Oxy/Acet Torch
    Coleman 80 gal. Compressor
    7x10 Mini Lathe
    Craftsman 12" Bandsaw
    Lots of litler stuff

  2. #2


    As I understand, it is only used for Stick welding.
    I have messed with it while Tiging in AC and DC and it doesn't seem to do anything.
    Mine is all the way to the left since I only use my 250EX for TIG
    PowerTig 250EX
    Power I-MIG 200
    Power Plasma 50
    It's what you learn, After you know it all, that counts!

  3. #3


    tig welding has no arc force. unlike stick, you have to put the filler metal where you want it.
    Journeyman welder
    Power plasma 60
    horizontal band saw
    Miller digital elite 'wicked' lid

  4. #4


    Cool , thanx, 1 more knob that I dont have to fiddle with.
    Everlast PowerTig 200DX
    Snapon FM140 Mig
    Purox Oxy/Acet Torch
    Coleman 80 gal. Compressor
    7x10 Mini Lathe
    Craftsman 12" Bandsaw
    Lots of litler stuff

  5. #5


    Now you're just rubbing it in, 'Mister I got an Extra knob on my 200DX'
    (make that 2 extra..)
    Last edited by Jake98; 01-19-2012 at 02:20 AM.
    Everlast PowerPlasma70
    Hobart Ironman 230
    Lincoln A-D/C 225
    'Classic' Everlast Powertig 200DX 'We don't need no steenkin pre-flow..'

  6. #6


    Haha , I guess I'll be known as "the guy with the extra knob" lol Im gonna put that in my sig.
    Quote Originally Posted by Jake98 View Post
    Now you're just rubbing it in, 'Mister I got an Extra knob on my 200DX'
    (make that 2 extra..)
    Everlast PowerTig 200DX
    Snapon FM140 Mig
    Purox Oxy/Acet Torch
    Coleman 80 gal. Compressor
    7x10 Mini Lathe
    Craftsman 12" Bandsaw
    Lots of litler stuff

  7. #7


    Everlast PowerPlasma70
    Hobart Ironman 230
    Lincoln A-D/C 225
    'Classic' Everlast Powertig 200DX 'We don't need no steenkin pre-flow..'

  8. Default

    Yea, and one less knob on the pedal

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