Bought a pp256 a few weeks ago from everlast Canada and really haven`t had mutch seating time on this machine yet, when using it in cut mode it seems it just does not cut worth anything, been trying to cut 3/8 plate and cannot penetrate through the plate, just cuts half the thickness, checked my point gap ,points are straight and gapped to .35, air pressure, i`ve varied from 45 - 80 psi, amps varied from 45 up to 60, checked the assembly of the gun and everything was assembled corectly and tight. the last compressor i used was a twin screw 15 hp with air dryer, so i do have clean dry air. One thing i did notice on a thinner piece of material i was trying to cut, when i would start penetrating the steel you`d hear a louder buzzing sound( just like the hypertherm we used to have) this only lasts a few seconds and it quits,almost like its a secondary winding or relay cutting out. the other thing i noticed is the low air light noes not illuminate when your running too low of a pressure. this is the only quark i have with the machine so far, haven`t tried the tig yet, still working on my cooler, stick part of the machine works really well, as good or even better than my old lincoln