Below is a pic of 2 razor blades I welded together a few moments ago.
Ok your asking yourself why am I crowing about a bad lookingtig weld on 2 razor blades.
This weld was done with a 26 series torch, medium gas lens, #8 cup, .040 2% lanthinated tungsten, 7 scfh argon flow, scratch start, 1/2" thick copper backer bar.
The kicker here is the power source was 2 spare 100 watt solar panels wired in a series.
Approx 25VDC at 5.25A Torch wired straight polarity.
I have wanted to try welding with solar panels ever since I put in my array and drew a nice arc one day while wiring them.
I think the test was very successful given I have less than 36" total tig welding experience to date.
Now to practice.