I have a 200DX adn have no problems with it. The pulse works exactly as described in the manual.
I disagree that pulse and foot pedal are not able to be used together. I have found that using the foot pedal with the other bell and whistle features is quite functional. The key is to adjust the foot pedal to the amperage you want to weld at, and max out the pedal when your weld is going steady state. The 2t/4t switch control does exactly this (either off or maxed out). That said, on the 200DX, upslope is not programmable, which can cause quite a hot start when usign the panel. This is fine for thicker items, but on very thin wall tubing, it can be a bit much.
I have used the torch control to weld when out of position and foot pedal is difficult to use, but there is no real way to control startup. I have also found that the torch controls do not allow any adjustment during the weld (other than manually pulsing the trigger). Torch Controls could be very good for production welding where the parameters are well established, but when welding one-off's, the required weld power can change throughout the weld due to head soak or heat sink conditions of a complex joint. The foot pedal allows a small amount of dialing the power in as needed, and also allows a soft start on the 200DX (225 and 250 have a start-up slope adjustment)
what is youre intended result ofthe pulse feature? Is it to vary the current to acheive less burn through, or is it to "automatically" control the weld appearance and act as a guide for when to add filler and travel?
"Locking the welder at a certain high current (for a set pulse duration) and using the pedal to lower the off pulse duration is absurd. If you're welding near an edge or whatever and back the pedal way off you still get a huge blast of full power during the pulse on time."
This statement infers that you have a very low pulse frequency and are usign the pulse as a timer to create better looking welds. Try increaseing the pulse frequency and the "huge blast" will not occur, weld current will be much smoother.
Everlast 200DX
Everlast PT185
Shoptask 3-in-1 (not currently in my garage, but I own it...)
Any day on a motorcycle like this that ends just needing parts and labor is a good day.
4.82, 158.67mph 1/8th mile 7.350, 200.35mph 1/4 mile