My first ever TIG welds. Field mower repair
I needed to repair the wear strips on my dads old ford field mower. After using a torch and banging my head against a wall thinking how much faster, easier, and CLEANER a everlast plasma cutter would have been to get the job done. I decided to at least have a little fun. My bro has his linde tig welder setup at my dads shop and even though i can hold my own with my migmaster or stick weld i wanted to give this TIG thing a go. Hooda happened to be there so I had him set the thing up and talk me through the process. heres pics. I was taught how to torch weld as a youngster (it's almost a family requirement) so with a little brotherly love talking me through (breathing down my neck), I was able to fumble my way thru. I see iit as a lot "busier" than other types of welding, and a heck of a lot cleaner. I'm excited at the possibilities this has for me. What do ya think?
Miller Dialarc 250
ESAB Migmaster250
Smith Heavy Duty OXY/ACETYLENE outfit
Arcair gouging set