This is a forum where announcements are made about forums changes, new products, new sponsors and dealers, special sales and upcoming events, directly from management.
If you have questions about our site or need help posting, registering or using any of the features, post here! Also, if you have suggestions on how to improve the site, do so via email to or Private Message to everlastsupport. If we like the ideal it will be implemented. Please read all threads before posting and be kind.
Let us know who you are, when you started welding, your areas of expertise, etc... Pictures are welcome, however please post your welding project pictures in the "Welding Projects and Pictures section."
Please feel free to share the positive experiences you have had with our staff, support, and products. Please do not post question here or they will be removed.
If you have questions for the sales office, post them here. This section is for sales related non-technical issues. Use the rest of the forum once you have your unit(s) and have technical questions.