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  1. the st140 great welder

    ok so i have put the st140 to the test and would like to say its a great welder i have ran almost 50lb of welding rod though it and i must say it is a great welder have not posted a video but have been welding in a boiler bottom with it and it has worked great i have a 50ft Extension Cord with alligator clips to clip on to power ok in the Manuel for the st140 it says you can not burn 6010 rod and that 6011 is the only one you can burn with it at 120 in put 6011 or 7018 h4r works great the st140 ...
  2. st140 going to put it though the ringer

    well tuesday i should have the st140 going to put it thought the ringer
    and see how well it works and post video of how it works and show some welding with it first i will put the stick welder and run all types of rod than will turn over to the tig welding look for post on YouTube starting in two weeks i am even going to take it to work
  3. Welding shock

    Being new to the welding routine I have heard of people getting a shock from their welder. I make every effort to stay out of the electrical circut and not become a conductor. If you have been shocked, will someone share the experience and details of the cause so I may learn from the experience?
  4. power pro 205

    Has any one stick welded alum. with unit.Have bought inverter back in 2000 had to pay extra,plus that extra money made it possable to run 6010 insted of 6011 due to cellulose in 6010.
  5. Wheelchair Modding...

    spent the day relaxing and decided to make a mount for my wheelchair for my droid. Nothing major just functional. After that went to Home Depot, Lowes and a few other local places looking at Drill Presses. Heres what I came up with for my Droid mount on my wheelchair . last pic is blurry but I'm tired and don't feel like fissing over it . just shows the GPS Nav screen so when I get off the bus it will take me via the quickest route to my destination.

    Attachment 1554Attachment 1555Attachment 1553 ...

    Updated 04-08-2011 at 06:18 AM by aaxiss

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